October 31, 2011

Dr appt Week 29

Another doctor's appointment, another long wait in the waiting room for a quick and rushed meeting with the doctor.

The worst part of the appointment was finding out that I have gestational diabetes.  Two weeks prior, I took the 1-hr glucose test, then got called in for a 3-hr glucose test (which are stories in themselves!).  Looking at the test results, I am just over the threshold for the level of glucose that should be in my blood.

Why am I not excited about this? 
First, this can affect Baby Wynne (because he/she will make too much insulin as a result of the excess sugar in MY blood).  Usually this results in babies that grow bigger ... but their organs (specifically, the lungs) still develop at the normal rate.  So Baby Wynne might be a big baby that still needs to incubate!
Second, I can deal with the diet changes (less carbs ... I don't really eat sweets as it is), but just the thought of all the EXTRA doctors appointments are killing me already.  I hate doctors as it is and now I have to set up multiple appointments with multiple doctors/techs/nurses (and try to fit that all into a full-time work schedule, along with my normal OB appointments).  Oh well, I will try not to complain about it, because I love Baby Wynne.

What's the positive of it all?
We get a few more ultrasounds of Baby Wynne!  We need to check her/his growth a few more times, so it'll be great to see Baby Wynne!  If I get photos, I will be sure to share!

Next appointment is this week ... then probably next week ... then definitely the week after that ...

Mommy's Weight Gain: +3.5 lbs (6 lbs total)
Baby's Heartrate: 145bpm

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