October 9, 2011

Dr appt Week 26

I think I was supposed to go to the doctor's at Week 24, but we were out of town and the Fall semester work schedule is a bit more hectic than summer, so it ended up being Week 26 before I actually got in.  Oops.

Nothing exciting to report.  Just a quick 10-minute appointment (after an hour wait in the waiting rooms!!!!). 

I mainly got yelled at for postponing my Glucose Tolerance Test (calm down people, it will get done next week!) and took some measurements and listened to Baby Wynne's heartbeat.  I also got a flu shot, which was good, because I wasn't sure if pregnant women could get a flu shot (and I work with college kids, which is almost worse than working at a day care when it comes to germs!).

Next appointment in 3 weeks!

Mommy's Weight Gain: +1.3 lbs (2.5 lbs total)
Baby's Heartrate: 140bpm


Natalia said...

you could have asked me about the flu shot- pregnant women most definitely should be getting it!! :0)

BFC said...

2.5 lbs? Seriously? Did u read the section of the book i gave you where i recorded my weight? I believe it was 10x that...