October 26, 2011

Have Baby (in utero), Will Travel!

Baby Wynne hasn't been born yet, but is already traveling! 

The first trip for Baby Wynne actually was the DAY after we found out about him/her!
Friday, we get a positive pregnancy test; Saturday, we're on a plane!

Baby Wynne's first trip was down south to visit one of my oldest friends Stephanie and her husband Andrew and their 4 kids.  Spending the weekend after discovering that you're pregnant with a 4 year-old and triplet-boy-1-year-olds is definitely an experience!  :)  We also spent 2 days in Orlando visiting all the sites that we plan to bring Baby Wynne to for her/his second birthday (Disney!!)! 

There were plenty of roadtrips this summer -- mainly to Buffalo and PA to see family and friends. 

The most recent trip was with Grandma (my mom) to Las Vegas and Arizona for a conference and my cousin Ashley's wedding. 

Ryan and I are dedicated to continuing with our love of travel, even with a kid!  I am sure it is going to be a bit more difficult when the kid isn't in the easy-carrying-case of my womb, but we are determined!

Baby Wynne's current travel stats:

Number of States Visited: 7
(New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona)

Number of Plane Rides (including connecting flights): 6
(By the way -- Pregnant ladies out there -- you can board the flight early.  This is especially useful when flying Southwest, which lacks assigned seats!)

Here are some photos from Baby Wynne's in utero travels:

At the Magic Kingdom!
(We hope to be back for Baby Wynne's 2nd Birthday!)

Baby Wynne takes the Hogwarts Express!
Kayaking in Lake Ontario!
With Grandma in Arizona
(for Cousin Ashley's wedding)
(Yes, I am wearing a sequins dress while 6 months pregnant!)

Baby Wynne at the Wynn!

Enjoying the Vegas Strip!
(I am pretty sure it was almost midnight too!)

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