October 24, 2011

Bouncing Baby!

Baby Wynne is already an overachiever.

This week, I started doing "kick counts", as suggested by multiple books I have read.  Basically, I lay down, relax, and count any movement by Baby Wynne.  I time how long it takes Baby Wynne to move 10 times.  The goal is to make sure Baby Wynne is moving 10 times within an hour (if it takes longer than that, more than a few times in a row, then this should be discussed with the doctor). 

Here are the data so far:

Time it takes Baby Wynne to move around 10 times:
Day 1: 11min22sec
Day 2: 7min37sec

Definitely less than an hour!

No complaints, as Baby Wynne isn't a rough mover.  I think he/she is more of a dancer than a soccer star at this point.  Maybe a swimmer?  Even the "harsh" kicks aren't that bad yet!

I have felt Baby Wynne consistently moving around starting during Week 22 or so (though I felt a random "unsure" movement quite a few times before that).  Ryan first felt Baby Wynne around Week 24, but it wasn't a daily occurance until about Week 25/Week 26.  Now it's everyday! 

As I write this, Baby Wynne is kicking up a storm!  I think she/he knows I'm "talking" about her/him!

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