October 15, 2011

Commonly Asked Questions #4

I've been through the most commonly asked questions (#1, #2, and #3), but there are a couple of other questions that have come up too.  This 4th one is asked by people that work with one of us or know us well enough to know about our busy jobs:

"Are you going to continue working after the baby is born?"
(Or "Is your wife going to continue working?" if it is asked of Ryan)

Answer:  YES!

Because I am an eternal optimist, I am hopeful that all will go well and I will be back at work a few weeks after Baby Wynne arrives, just 2 days a week and then back to full-time after a few months.

For the first 9 months, the plan is that Baby Wynne will be with either Ryan or me.  We've worked out our schedules and we think this is possible.  We don't live near family, so, come Fall, Baby Wynne will be in daycare (hopefully just 3 days a week).  And we hope we get into the daycare that our good friends Bridget and Jonathan have their baby in (so our kids can be friends!). 

Why am I surprised/bothered by this question?

I am a college professor and worked really hard for many years to get a PhD in biology.  I have a full-time, well-paying job that I really love. 

My husband also is a college professor that worked really hard for many years to get a PhD in biology and has a full-time, well-paying job that he really loves.  But no one has asked him if he'll be working after the baby is born.     

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