March 2, 2012

A weekend grandparent visit!

Both Ryan and I grew up living a quick car ride (or walk) away from our grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins.  Unfortunately, at this point, Eli's closest family members are a 2-hour drive away.  We're lucky that we have lots of friends close by and also lots of family members that are willing to make the trip to see us!

The weekend that Eli turned 8-weeks-old, Nana and Pop pop came in from PA for a weekend visit.  Normally, Eli sees Nana and Pop pop on the TV over XBOX live with the Kinect.  They hadn't seen Eli in person for about a month, so he was much bigger and more active!  He was even big enough that Pop pop felt comfortable holding him for a while!

Eli had a great time and is looking forward to seeing everyone again at the end of March!

Eli & Pop pop

Eli with Nana and checking out his Pop pop!

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