March 1, 2012

Dr appt Week 2 AB & Week 6 AB

Since I always updated on the pregnancy doctor's appointments, I figured I should continue and talk about my appointments after baby (AB). 

2 weeks after baby, I had an appointment with my OB to check on my incision and my blood pressure (as it was so high the day we got sent to have the baby).  Ryan and Eli came along, as I wasn't supposed to be driving yet.  I met with the doctor that had done the c-section and my blood pressure was fine and the incision was healing nicely.  I also tried talking to her about the issues I was having with breast feeding.  At this point, Eli would latch on great and suckle, but his doctor was concerned about his lack of weight gain, so the pediatrician wanted us to focus more on getting him to eat formula.  We had been giving him formula, because my milk supply was definitely low.  My milk didn't come in until 6 days after Eli was born and I was pumping every 2 or 3 hours to produce just 1/2 oz per day.  Surely not enough for a growing baby!  My doctor basically said "Sometimes breastfeeding just doesn't happen for everyone" and "Keep on trying, if you want".  Disappointing, but I did keep trying!

6 weeks after baby, I had another appointment and this time I met with the PA.  In the past, I have liked meeting with this PA because she is pretty straight forward about things.  But she was the one who was freaking out and therefore freaking me out at our 37 week appointment.  So I just had some underlying bad feelings about her and didn't feel like seeing her, but I didn't really have a choice.  To add to my already not-happy mood, I had Eli with me.  Not that Eli put me in a bad mood, but Ryan was back at work, so I was alone with Eli.  And he was so great in the waiting room ... for an hour and a half!!  Then he started to get cranky when we got into the exam room because he was hungry (and my kid is never just hungry, he is STARVING!).  If I had actually been seen at the time of my appointment, we would have been home by then (as I had planned!!).  And of course, as I am rushing to get him a bottle, the PA comes in and makes some remark about my crying baby.  Grr.  So I try to settle him down as the PA gets more annoyed because she wants to rush through my appointment!  She very quickly rushes to check my incision (as I am still standing up, holding a baby!) and I try to talk to her about my continued breastfeeding issues, when she again flips out about my high blood pressure.

"Have you seen your regular doctor about this high blood pressure?", she demands.  Umm ... no.  I never had high blood pressure before the day I was sent to the hospital to have the baby.  At my Week 2 AB appointment, my blood pressure was fine.  But, again at this appointment, it was high.  The PA takes my BP over and over and even threatens to send me to the hospital because it is so high. 

All I wanted to do was yell: "High BP???  Really???  Maybe it's because you kept me and my 6-week-old baby waiting for more than an hour, and now my kid is screaming because he is starving, and you won't let me finish feeding him because you are crazy because you've been running late all day and now you are yelling at me about my high blood pressure and I would like to talk to you about other things which you are ignoring!!!!!"  But I figured that wouldn't help at all.  So, I didn't yell.

Finally, she was convinced that my BP wasn't so high that I would die and then Ryan would sue her, and she let me go home with a referral to see another doctor to figure out what was going on.  She also cleared me for work and "exercise" and told me to come back in a month for my next check-up.  I really hope the doctor is in that day and I can avoid this PA! 

Never a dull moment!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Sorry you've had a rough time with your doctors :-( I too had a doctor scold me once for high blood pressure after he kept me waiting for TWO HOURS for my routine appointment... and I didn't even have a screaming baby with me. I probably would have a stroke if someone made me wait that long with my baby!