March 1, 2012

Mommy goes back to work

Eli's first lesson on Animal Biodiversity
On Monday, February 13th, I decided I should go back to work.

As I wrote about before, the plan was always to go back to work part-time this spring.  As college professors, Ryan & I were both able to work our schedules out so that one of us is always with Eli.  I work all day Mondays and Wednesday mornings and Ryan works the rest of the week.  This is basically Ryan's normal schedule (shifted a bit) and I am just teaching less classes and am taking time off of my coordinator position.  I am only teaching 2 classes (as opposed to 5) and had some awesome grad students covering for me until I decided I was ready to go back.

In those first weeks, I waivered on when I would go back.  I just didn't want to leave him.  He was my little man and he needed me!      

I stayed home with Eli for 7 weeks.  I was all cleared from my doctors and Eli was doing very well and Ryan was a confident daddy, so I decided to head back to academia!

That first day, I was a bit worried about how I would do.  I was excited to be back teaching (which I love), but I was definitely missing my little man at home.  I was very grateful that my boss was in (he is technically on sabbatical) and was very supportive.  I was also very happy that my friend Becky has started teaching my class and is on campus on Mondays, so I had a good friend (and a mommy of a young baby) to chat with over lunch!

It was a long 10-hour day (of course!), but the best part was when I got home. 

An immediate and giant smile from Eli!!!!
It was so sweet!  One of his first real, directed, social smiles!

A very happy working mommy!

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