March 25, 2012

Eli is 3 months old!

My little man's been around for 3 months now!

3 months old
March 24, 2012

3 months old
March 24, 2012

3 months old
March 24, 2012
(We have another doctor's appointment after he turns 4 months old and will have updates then)

Eli's life at 3 months:
  • Eating: Eli still eats like a champ!  He is still on an every-two-hours during the day feeding schedule, downing about 4 or 5 ounces each time.  He is still eating about 40 ounces (or more) every day and we switched him from "newborn" formula to "gentle" formula (which really has helped with frequency of gassy issues!).  Eli has also had a taste of cereal -- his pediatrician wanted us to start him on cereal at 3 months.  At 2 months 2 weeks, he had a tiny taste of it and every other night or so, we have tried again with the rice cereal.  So far, he doesn't hate it, but I think he is still learning what to do with non-liquid food on a spoon!
  • Sleeping:  Eli is also pretty great with sleeping!  Just after his 2-month mark, Eli SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT!  Yay!!  From about 10:30pm until about 6am!  He did this for a few days and then we traveled to Buffalo and he switched back to a 4am feeding, but that is still pretty great (in our opinion).  So, he now generally goes into his crib around 10:30pm gets up to eat once sometime between 3:30am and 5am and then sleeps again until 7am or 8am.  
  • LIKES:
    • Eating
    • Sleeping
    • "Sitting" up
      • Eli loves to be held in a full sitting position or being placed on the couch sitting next to us.  He also sits up in his high chair now (which is one of those fancy ones that he actually reclines a bit in) and in the "big boy" stroller (i.e., his stroller without the car seat in it).  He is not even close to sitting on his own, but he really likes this upright position.
    • Blanket teddy/pooh/frog
      • These are those toys that are stuffed animals with a stuffed head, but a fuzzy and satin blanket instead of a body.  Eli's best buddy Katie bought him the teddy and pooh and the frog are from his "girlfriends" Ally and Mckenzie.  I forgot to bring teddy with us to Buffalo, and, thankfully, Ally and Kenzie let us borrow pooh!  I felt like such a bad mommy, because Eli just LOVES snuggling with his teddy as he takes his nap!
    • His IKEA changing table
      • Still his favorite place to hang out!
    • Bath time
      • Especially with his fish towel. 
    • His Binkies
      • Especially at nap time.  Luckily, we don't have to rely on this too much at night.
    • TV
      • I feel a bit guilty about it, but Eli has discovered the television.  We've had it on his whole life, but he realized that it was on around 2-months-old.  You can see that he actually watches the movement on the TV and he seems to really like it! We try to limit his exposure, but he usually falls asleep after 20 minutes or so anyway!
    • Waiting for food
    • Tummy time
      • He only likes this if we trick him into it. 
  • New this month!
    • Eating cereal and being in his high chair
    • Watching TV
    • Laughing!
      • Eli just started laughing and it is THE cutest sound in the entire world! 

And Eli's outtakes!

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