February 19, 2012

A visit from Grandma!

Long before Eli was born (November maybe?), Grandma (Snekser) booked a flight to come spend the last week of January with Baby Wynne.  At this point, we figured Baby Wynne would be less than 2 weeks old, if she/he came around his due date.  It also happened to be the same week that Daddy was heading back to work (because of the start of the Spring Semester), so having Grandma around sounded like a great idea!

Since Eli was early, he was almost a month old when Grandma got here!  A bit more fun than a newborn! 

Eli loves getting a bottle from Grandma!
(Mommy loves the break from feeding!)
We did spend quite a bit of time at home, enjoying daytime TV and home cooked meals, but with Grandma's help, we were also able to venture out into the world!  We went to the doctor (always exciting), Daddy's work (where everyone is far too sweet and generous!!), shopping at lots of stores and the mall!  Eli experienced his first visit to a restaurant (Chili's for dinner), his second visit to a restaurant (Applebee's for lunch) and ... Grandma and Mommy's favorite ... a lunch-time drive to NJ for some Sonic (Yay for diet cherry limeades!!)! 

Without Grandma, I am sure we wouldn't have done any of those things!  Yay Grandma!
Grandma spoils Eli!
I even had my first few hours away from Eli -- mom and I went to the Casino for a few hours (just long enough to not lose too much money!) and Ryan survived alone time with Eli. 
And Eli had his first "baby-sitter" -- Grandma stayed with him while Ryan & I ran out for an hour to check out a daycare for the fall.

I am just so happy that my mom was able to come out for a week to visit.  We're so lucky that my family is happy to travel out to see us once and a while!  Despite about 400 miles between Eli and Grandma, she has already been able to visit a few times and we're making plans for her next visit!

Such a good boy for Grandma!

Grandma is leaving me
alone with my parents??
When are you coming back, Grandma?

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