February 19, 2012

Eli is 1 month old!

That month went fast!

On January 24th, Eli celebrated his 1st month of life!

1 month old
January 24, 2012

1 month old
January 24, 2012
Height = 21" (about 25th percentile)
Weight = 8 lbs 8 oz (about 20th percentile)

Our little guy really is a little guy!
He's 2" longer and 1 lb 7 oz bigger than he was at birth and he initially had some weight issues, so we're pretty happy!

Eli's life at one-month:
  • Eating: Bottle fed about 10 times a day.  He has gotten about 1/2 oz of breast milk each day, but mainly drinks formula, about 2 oz at each feeding.  It's nice that he is using a bottle because that means all the friends and family members can feed him in addition to Mommy and Daddy!  Eli isn't picky about who feeds him, as long as he is eating!
  • Sleeping: Life is mainly eating, then sleeping.  He's been on pretty much a 2 to 3 hour schedule his whole life.  His favorite place to sleep is in someone's arms, especially during the day.  At night, we can put him down in the "bassinet" (really, the pack and play with an elevated floor) and he will lay there pretty quietly until he falls asleep.  At night, if we put him down around 12, he wakes up around 3 and 6 and 9.  I don't think it's been that awful of a schedule, but Ryan and I both get cranky once and a while due to being tired!  He sleeps best when he is toasty warm and swaddled in his fleece swaddlers.
  • LIKES:
    • Sleeping
    • Eating
    • Being held
      • by anyone, but especially Mommy and Daddy
    • Rattle Bear
      • He's not too big on toys, but the one he seems most interested in is a bear rattle from his girlfriends Ally & Mckenzie
    • Boppy Pillow
      • He loved laying snuggled into the Boppy Pillow at first, but that seems to be getting less exciting for him.
    • Gas drops
      • Enough said.
    • The ceiling fan
      • We have a black ceiling fan that he loves staring up at.  We think he likes the contrast of the black on white. 
    • Waiting for food
      • He must be fed NOW!  Like we don't feed him whenever he requests it.  The only time he really cries is when he is STARVING! 
    • Mr Seahorse
      • Like I said, he doesn't pay too much attention to toys, but he will take a pretty powerful swing at Mr Seahorse (the fisher price musical seahorse that all other babies seem to adore!).  He pushes Mr Seahorse off of the Boppy pillow every time we put him up there.  I secretly think he is just playing hard to get.  Soon, they will be best friends!
    • The sounds of Velcro ripping
      • On his car seat cover, on his swaddlers, his bibs ... he seems to jump at the sound of Velcro as it rips. 
    • Not much else .... he is generally a very happy baby!! 

It's amazing how fast time is flying and how much Eli grows and changes!  I am just trying to capture all these moments while I can!
One month old and already contemplating life

NOTE: I totally stole my monthly-update format from my friend Becky.  She's been blogging about her kids for years and was one of the inspirations for this family blog.   Thanks Becky (for blog inspiration and many, many other things)!!!

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