February 16, 2012

Baby's First Bath!

On January 11th, we decided that it was time for Eli's first bath.

We had been planning to do it for a while (since his umbilical cord fell off), but had been avoiding it because it's chilly in our bathroom during the winter!  That day, Eli had been to get his kidney ultrasound, so we wanted to wash off all the gel and the hospital germs. 

Though the pictures may not show it, I think Eli enjoyed the bath.  Well, at least I don't think he hated it.  No real crying, just sort of a scared look on his face!  He's such a good baby!

Eli's first bath!

In his little tub!
(Which matches his Ocean Wonders nursery, of course!)

Come on, dad! 
Must you take embarrassing photos of
my first bath for the internets??

Snuggled in his towel!

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