February 27, 2012

Are you ready for some football?

Super Bowl Sunday is actually a holiday at our house.  No, really.  Because not only do we celebrate football, food, and commercials, but we also celebrate my birthday!

Happy Birthday Mommy!
Every year, we usually have at least a few people over to watch the game and eat too much food.  We had decided early on in the pregnancy that we would have a Super Bowl Party, even with a newborn in the house!

Daddy & Eli!
(Yes, Eli, we are Bills fans.  Sorry.)

NO!  Not a Bills fan!
Before the party started, we asked Eli to predict the winner and game MVP.  Eli Manning is on the left (#10) and Tom Brady is on the right (#12).  It took about 2 minutes for Eli to decide!

"What is going on?"

"You want ME to pick the winner?"

"I can't believe you'd even ask me
such a ridiculous question!"

"It definitely ain't Brady!!"
(Notice Tom Brady taking a dive off the Boppy Pillow!)
(Brady on the floor, Manning victorious!)

Take that, Paul the Octopus!

We had a wonderful day full of friends and football and food!  Bridget made Big Blueberry Pies and Luke made us some chicken wing cupcakes!
Yes, I said chicken wing cupcakes!
Happy Birthday to me!
One of the highlights for Eli was meeting one of his many girlfriends, Madeline.  Just a week shy of a year old, Madeline was representing for her Daddy's Giants and having a great time with Eli!
Madeline: "Go Giants!"
Eli: "Oh, it's Madeline!  Play it cool.  Play it cool."

Madeline: "Oh, look, it's Eli!"
Eli: "OMG, she noticed me!!!"

Madeline: "I want to touch him!"
Eli: "She wants to touch me!"
Madeline's Mommy: "NOOOO!"

Madeline & Eli
February 5, 2012
Unfortunately, Madeline's bedtime was long before the very exciting NY Giants win, so she missed her daddy (JC) going crazy when his team won!  If only us Bills fans knew what that felt like ...

My little football man in his
"Team Mommy" shirt and
football hat!

Overall, a very exciting day!  Especially because Mommy had her first beer in 9 months!  YAY beer!!!!!

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