February 26, 2012

A day in PA

Forgot to mention ...

Back when Eli was just 3 weeks old, we decided a trip to PA to visit Nana and Pop pop was in order!  Ryan and I were both still home from work, so it was a good time for a mid-week 2-hour drive into Pennsylvania.

It was Eli's first big trip.  Really, it was the first time he was in the car for more than the 5 minutes it takes to go to the doctors.  It was also the first time he went to someone else's house for a visit.  So we packed up way too much stuff and I sat in the back seat the whole way there!

We spent the day with Nana and Eli's cousins Sophie and Hannah.  The girls are sooo good with him and had a great time watching him and helping with feedings and diaper changes.  We also had a very interesting conversation about the difference between boys and girls that I will surely tease Hannah about for all of her adult life.  Because I am her Aunt and I am supposed to do stuff like that!

Pop pop came home and we all had dinner together and then Eli got to meet his Uncle Al for the first time. 

After a successful visit with the family, we headed over to visit with our friends Matt & Sonia so that Eli could have his first playdate with Scarlet! 

We had hung out and chatted with Sonia & Matt throughout our pregnancies and then the first weeks of having a newborn, so it was nice to see them again and finally meet 7-week-old Scarlet!  She is such an adorable baby! 

Eli & Scarlet
January 18, 2012

This first playdate was pretty quiet!  I am sure future playdates will be a bit more exciting and the parents will wish it was as quiet as the first!

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