February 28, 2012

A quick side visit to see Eli!

Grandma, Uncle Steve, Aunt Kelly and Ms Cori were on a mini-vacay to some places in Pennsylvania, so they made a detour to come visit Eli and see NYC for a day!

They, of course, got us to take Eli on his very first gambling trip to the Yonkers race track!  There is a cute restaurant that overlooks the track and we got front row seats to see the chariot races!  The food was pretty good and we even managed to win big on the very last race!!  Yay!!

Eli really enjoyed his time with everyone and can't wait to see them all again soon!
"OMG!  Uncle Steve can palm me!"

Uncle Steve, Eli & Bubba!

Eli just adores his Grandma!

Eli loves his Aunt Kelly!

Eli being cute with Ms. Cori!

Uncle Steve finally holds his godson!
(Until Eli started crying)

Eli enjoying the horseys at the racetrack!

Seriously, adorable, right? (2)

I have a feeling that "Seriously, adorable, right?" will become a series of blog posts!

Enjoy the adorableness!

February 27, 2012

Are you ready for some football?

Super Bowl Sunday is actually a holiday at our house.  No, really.  Because not only do we celebrate football, food, and commercials, but we also celebrate my birthday!

Happy Birthday Mommy!
Every year, we usually have at least a few people over to watch the game and eat too much food.  We had decided early on in the pregnancy that we would have a Super Bowl Party, even with a newborn in the house!

Daddy & Eli!
(Yes, Eli, we are Bills fans.  Sorry.)

NO!  Not a Bills fan!
Before the party started, we asked Eli to predict the winner and game MVP.  Eli Manning is on the left (#10) and Tom Brady is on the right (#12).  It took about 2 minutes for Eli to decide!

"What is going on?"

"You want ME to pick the winner?"

"I can't believe you'd even ask me
such a ridiculous question!"

"It definitely ain't Brady!!"
(Notice Tom Brady taking a dive off the Boppy Pillow!)
(Brady on the floor, Manning victorious!)

Take that, Paul the Octopus!

We had a wonderful day full of friends and football and food!  Bridget made Big Blueberry Pies and Luke made us some chicken wing cupcakes!
Yes, I said chicken wing cupcakes!
Happy Birthday to me!
One of the highlights for Eli was meeting one of his many girlfriends, Madeline.  Just a week shy of a year old, Madeline was representing for her Daddy's Giants and having a great time with Eli!
Madeline: "Go Giants!"
Eli: "Oh, it's Madeline!  Play it cool.  Play it cool."

Madeline: "Oh, look, it's Eli!"
Eli: "OMG, she noticed me!!!"

Madeline: "I want to touch him!"
Eli: "She wants to touch me!"
Madeline's Mommy: "NOOOO!"

Madeline & Eli
February 5, 2012
Unfortunately, Madeline's bedtime was long before the very exciting NY Giants win, so she missed her daddy (JC) going crazy when his team won!  If only us Bills fans knew what that felt like ...

My little football man in his
"Team Mommy" shirt and
football hat!

Overall, a very exciting day!  Especially because Mommy had her first beer in 9 months!  YAY beer!!!!!

February 26, 2012

A day in PA

Forgot to mention ...

Back when Eli was just 3 weeks old, we decided a trip to PA to visit Nana and Pop pop was in order!  Ryan and I were both still home from work, so it was a good time for a mid-week 2-hour drive into Pennsylvania.

It was Eli's first big trip.  Really, it was the first time he was in the car for more than the 5 minutes it takes to go to the doctors.  It was also the first time he went to someone else's house for a visit.  So we packed up way too much stuff and I sat in the back seat the whole way there!

We spent the day with Nana and Eli's cousins Sophie and Hannah.  The girls are sooo good with him and had a great time watching him and helping with feedings and diaper changes.  We also had a very interesting conversation about the difference between boys and girls that I will surely tease Hannah about for all of her adult life.  Because I am her Aunt and I am supposed to do stuff like that!

Pop pop came home and we all had dinner together and then Eli got to meet his Uncle Al for the first time. 

After a successful visit with the family, we headed over to visit with our friends Matt & Sonia so that Eli could have his first playdate with Scarlet! 

We had hung out and chatted with Sonia & Matt throughout our pregnancies and then the first weeks of having a newborn, so it was nice to see them again and finally meet 7-week-old Scarlet!  She is such an adorable baby! 

Eli & Scarlet
January 18, 2012

This first playdate was pretty quiet!  I am sure future playdates will be a bit more exciting and the parents will wish it was as quiet as the first!

February 25, 2012

Eli gets his own place

Just before he turned 6 weeks old, we decided it was time for Eli to leave the nest and go out on his own.

We moved him to his crib.

He was originally sleeping in the bassinet of the pack-and-play in our room.  He slept great in it and it was wonderful having him so close to listen for him and get him for feedings all night long. 

For the most part, I wanted to get Eli on a sleep schedule.  I had read in quite a few places (including some articles and books from my old advisor's wife, Jodi Mindell, who studies children and sleep) that having a "bedtime routine" helps babies get on a schedule and sleep better at night.  Eli definitely slept a lot, but was up every few hours all the time.  No real night vs day.  I thought it would be good to start establishing night time. 

Also, Ryan had gone back to work full time and I was about to start back too, so we thought we should start the transition in case it went horribly wrong and would take a while for Eli to adjust.  It would be better if we both weren't working sleep deprived!

So, right after Grandma left, we put Eli in his room in his very own bed.  We started his bedtime routine: bath (or cleaning with a warm cloth), new pjs, a cozy swaddle, and a bottle while snuggling with mom or dad.  Then we put him in the crib.

And he slept.  Yay!

February 19, 2012

Eli is 1 month old!

That month went fast!

On January 24th, Eli celebrated his 1st month of life!

1 month old
January 24, 2012

1 month old
January 24, 2012
Height = 21" (about 25th percentile)
Weight = 8 lbs 8 oz (about 20th percentile)

Our little guy really is a little guy!
He's 2" longer and 1 lb 7 oz bigger than he was at birth and he initially had some weight issues, so we're pretty happy!

Eli's life at one-month:
  • Eating: Bottle fed about 10 times a day.  He has gotten about 1/2 oz of breast milk each day, but mainly drinks formula, about 2 oz at each feeding.  It's nice that he is using a bottle because that means all the friends and family members can feed him in addition to Mommy and Daddy!  Eli isn't picky about who feeds him, as long as he is eating!
  • Sleeping: Life is mainly eating, then sleeping.  He's been on pretty much a 2 to 3 hour schedule his whole life.  His favorite place to sleep is in someone's arms, especially during the day.  At night, we can put him down in the "bassinet" (really, the pack and play with an elevated floor) and he will lay there pretty quietly until he falls asleep.  At night, if we put him down around 12, he wakes up around 3 and 6 and 9.  I don't think it's been that awful of a schedule, but Ryan and I both get cranky once and a while due to being tired!  He sleeps best when he is toasty warm and swaddled in his fleece swaddlers.
  • LIKES:
    • Sleeping
    • Eating
    • Being held
      • by anyone, but especially Mommy and Daddy
    • Rattle Bear
      • He's not too big on toys, but the one he seems most interested in is a bear rattle from his girlfriends Ally & Mckenzie
    • Boppy Pillow
      • He loved laying snuggled into the Boppy Pillow at first, but that seems to be getting less exciting for him.
    • Gas drops
      • Enough said.
    • The ceiling fan
      • We have a black ceiling fan that he loves staring up at.  We think he likes the contrast of the black on white. 
    • Waiting for food
      • He must be fed NOW!  Like we don't feed him whenever he requests it.  The only time he really cries is when he is STARVING! 
    • Mr Seahorse
      • Like I said, he doesn't pay too much attention to toys, but he will take a pretty powerful swing at Mr Seahorse (the fisher price musical seahorse that all other babies seem to adore!).  He pushes Mr Seahorse off of the Boppy pillow every time we put him up there.  I secretly think he is just playing hard to get.  Soon, they will be best friends!
    • The sounds of Velcro ripping
      • On his car seat cover, on his swaddlers, his bibs ... he seems to jump at the sound of Velcro as it rips. 
    • Not much else .... he is generally a very happy baby!! 

It's amazing how fast time is flying and how much Eli grows and changes!  I am just trying to capture all these moments while I can!
One month old and already contemplating life

NOTE: I totally stole my monthly-update format from my friend Becky.  She's been blogging about her kids for years and was one of the inspirations for this family blog.   Thanks Becky (for blog inspiration and many, many other things)!!!

A visit from Grandma!

Long before Eli was born (November maybe?), Grandma (Snekser) booked a flight to come spend the last week of January with Baby Wynne.  At this point, we figured Baby Wynne would be less than 2 weeks old, if she/he came around his due date.  It also happened to be the same week that Daddy was heading back to work (because of the start of the Spring Semester), so having Grandma around sounded like a great idea!

Since Eli was early, he was almost a month old when Grandma got here!  A bit more fun than a newborn! 

Eli loves getting a bottle from Grandma!
(Mommy loves the break from feeding!)
We did spend quite a bit of time at home, enjoying daytime TV and home cooked meals, but with Grandma's help, we were also able to venture out into the world!  We went to the doctor (always exciting), Daddy's work (where everyone is far too sweet and generous!!), shopping at lots of stores and the mall!  Eli experienced his first visit to a restaurant (Chili's for dinner), his second visit to a restaurant (Applebee's for lunch) and ... Grandma and Mommy's favorite ... a lunch-time drive to NJ for some Sonic (Yay for diet cherry limeades!!)! 

Without Grandma, I am sure we wouldn't have done any of those things!  Yay Grandma!
Grandma spoils Eli!
I even had my first few hours away from Eli -- mom and I went to the Casino for a few hours (just long enough to not lose too much money!) and Ryan survived alone time with Eli. 
And Eli had his first "baby-sitter" -- Grandma stayed with him while Ryan & I ran out for an hour to check out a daycare for the fall.

I am just so happy that my mom was able to come out for a week to visit.  We're so lucky that my family is happy to travel out to see us once and a while!  Despite about 400 miles between Eli and Grandma, she has already been able to visit a few times and we're making plans for her next visit!

Such a good boy for Grandma!

Grandma is leaving me
alone with my parents??
When are you coming back, Grandma?

February 18, 2012

Seahorse = best friend?

It's been sort of a love/hate relationship with Mr. Seahorse since very early on ...

February 16, 2012

Baby's First Bath!

On January 11th, we decided that it was time for Eli's first bath.

We had been planning to do it for a while (since his umbilical cord fell off), but had been avoiding it because it's chilly in our bathroom during the winter!  That day, Eli had been to get his kidney ultrasound, so we wanted to wash off all the gel and the hospital germs. 

Though the pictures may not show it, I think Eli enjoyed the bath.  Well, at least I don't think he hated it.  No real crying, just sort of a scared look on his face!  He's such a good baby!

Eli's first bath!

In his little tub!
(Which matches his Ocean Wonders nursery, of course!)

Come on, dad! 
Must you take embarrassing photos of
my first bath for the internets??

Snuggled in his towel!

February 15, 2012

Daddy goes shopping

We sent daddy out for a container of formula and a pack of diapers ....

Like father, like son

Already playing video games with Daddy! 
January 2012

February 14, 2012

A quick summary of Eli's early Dr appt Weeks 1 & 2 and a trip to the ER!

As with most babies, Eli's first trip out of the house was to see his pediatrician. 

(On a side note, getting him a pediatrician was one of the things I had planned to do after Christmas.  Because he came early, we were forced to choose a doctor for Eli before we left the hospital, so we went with the practice recommended by my OB that is just down the street from us.  There are two men in the practice, an older guy and a younger guy.  It's a rule that babies must have a doctor appointment scheduled before they can be released from the hospital, so we figured we'd go see these guys and then we could switch if we didn't like them.  So far, they are OK.  And close to us, so I think we will stick with them for now.)

At 6 days old, we headed out to see the doctors.  Our main concern was Eli's weight, as he had dropped from 7lbs 1 ounce at birth, to 6 lbs 5oz and then up to 6 lbs 7oz when we left the hospital.   

Eli's first trip to the doctor!

Learning at an early age that doctor's
appts always involved a long wait!
After being weighed, we found that Eli had only gained 1 ounce or so.  He looked otherwise healthy, but there was concern with the lack of weight gain.  So we were asked to try harder to fatten him up and come back 4 days later (Tuesday).

I should point out that during this time, I was struggling with breast feeding.  I had very much hoped to feed Eli breast milk for as long as I could.  But I just wasn't producing.  It was heartbreaking to be unable to supply my baby with food.  I'll save the details of this for another post, but, long story short, Eli began drinking almost exclusively baby formula and just 1/2 ounce of my breast milk each day.  We all hoped that the formula would help him gain weight.

After the New Year's Weekend, we headed back to see the doctors for a quick weight check. 
Snuggling with Mommy,
waiting to be weighed.
We were all very happy that he had gone up a few ounces, but they still wanted to weigh him again the next week, just to be sure he was continuing to gain.  They also wanted another billirubin test, because they feared he was slightly jaundiced.  For this, we had to go across the street to the hospital.  Luckily, the blood was collected quickly and the results were fine.   

Then we had even more health excitement with Eli. 

Saturday morning, on his two-week-iversary, Eli woke up with some yellowish gunk in the corner of his left eye.  I wiped it away and didn't think about it ... until a few minutes later, when I had to wipe more away ... and then more ... and his eye just kept getting more red and more gunky and more swollen.  Around noon, I forced Ryan to call the doctor's answering service (because, of course, it was Saturday).  The doctor called right back and prescribed a gel-antibiotic that we needed to put in his eye.  Ryan went out to the pharmacy and in the late afternoon, we finally got the gel to put in his eye.

At this point, his eye was so swollen, it would not open.  Thankfully, Eli was sleeping right through most of this!  He didn't seem to be bothered ... until we tried to pry open his eye.  Ryan and I took turns trying to hold him and keep his head still while the other person tried to get his eye open and get the medicine in. 

It took a while, but we did eventually get it open a bit ... and that's when all this yellow goop just poured out of his eye.  It was like a horror movie!!!!  My two-week-old son's eye was oozing thick yellow fluid!!!

After a few tears (mine), we called the doctor back and he assured Ryan that our decision to take Eli to the ER was probably a good idea.  It was Saturday, so the doctors would not be at their office until Monday morning.

I cannot even describe the misery of the ER.  For 5 hours, Ryan and I sat with Eli and waited.  Surrounded by super-sick people and crazies.  Eli did not seem phased, waking only to eat.  Finally, we were called back to a bed, where we waited another hour.  After the 6 hours, a nurse came in, gave Eli a quick look and said "oh god!" and finally got us a doctor.  She basically yelled at us and couldn't believe that we couldn't deal with this on our own.  She said one of us should hold him while the other put the antibiotics into his eye.  Then it took the doctor, a nurse, me and Ryan to all hold down Eli while the doctor drained his eye and tried to get the antibiotics in.  I am not sure how Ryan and I were supposed to do it on our own if she couldn't handle our 2-week old!

His infected eye, the day after the ER
We had another weigh-in appointment scheduled for Tuesday, so we waited until then to see the doctor.  Happily, the eye was much better and Eli had gained a bunch of weight!  I think he was at about 7lbs 5oz at that point.  This made everyone very happy! 

And then, the doctor said "Did you get the ultrasound done yet?"

"Umm ... what ultrasound?"

The doctor had seen a tiny "skin tag" on Eli's right ear.  In babies, this is very rarely linked to kidney issues (because the ears and kidneys develop at the same time in utero).  And so we headed back across the street to the hospital to get an ultrasound of his bladder and kidneys.  The wait was ridiculous, so we went home and tried again at 6:30am the next day.  Eli was a trooper and was so good for the technician.  The technician took quite a while to look at everything and we watched as Eli peed his diaper and we saw all of the pee leave his bladder!  Crazy stuff.

Eventually we found out that Eli does seem to have a slight kidney issue, but no one seems too concerned and we are scheduled for another ultrasound soon to keep monitoring things.

It was a crazy first month of "health issues" for an actually very healthy baby.  We appreciate the doctors being thorough, but I am hoping Eli won't have too many more visits to the hospital or pediatricians other than the regularly scheduled ones!

February 7, 2012

What's in a name?

As you know, we didn't find out the sex of Baby Wynne, so Ryan and I had to discuss both boy and girl names. 

We had a few rules:
  1. Not Ryan Jr.
    (We wanted him/her to have their own name)
  2. Not Robert
    (Far too many on the Snekser side of the family)
  3. Not any name of the kids of our friends or family members
    (We already have lots of duplicates among the kids ... like multiple Sophias, Ally/Allie/Ali, Megan/Meghan, Emmas, even 2 Nolans!)
  4. Not any name in the top 10 boys or top 10 girls name for the last few years
    (I hated being one of a million Jennifers!)

In addition to the above rules, there were also lots of names we just didn't like.  I think this comes with being a teacher: so many names are associated with previous students.  I also don't like very trendy names and Ryan doesn't like more traditional names, especially for girls.  So we went back and forth for a while.

Of course, we also had to think of how the names sounded with Wynne (no Lynns, or Brynns, or Madelyns or Finns) and the nicknames people would give our kid (e.g., I love James, but hate Jimmy). 

Somehow, we got to Eli Hudson pretty early on.  Before we even told people we were pregnant.  And I don't really remember exactly how we got there.

I loved the name Hudson, because we live right on the Hudson River in NY.  Right now, I am looking out our living room window at the river.  In the winter, we can see all the way down the Hudson to Manhattan and up the river to the Tappan Zee Bridge from our bedroom window.  The hospital where Eli was born is also right on the Hudson River.  To me, with my love of water, Hudson was the perfect name.

Ryan didn't love Hudson as a first name, so I agreed to it as a middle name.  Then we needed a first name and agreed on Eli.  I always liked the name Eli.  To me, it sounds strong, but also intelligent.  It's not overly religious or non-religious.  It's not associated with a particular race.  It's cute for a baby, but also manly enough for when he is an adult.  No horrific nicknames, sounds good with Wynne, not in the top 50 names of 2010, not the name of anyone we really know.  It fulfilled all of my requirements.  And Ryan didn't hate it.

And so we have Eli Hudson.

I do want to point out, he was NOT named after Eli Manning.
Sure, I love me some Mannings, but he wasn't directly named after a football player (whose name is actually Elisha, by the way!).  I should have really considered this living next to NYC ... with a NY Giants Super Bowl win and Eli Manning as the MVP ... oh well.

"May he be as successful as Eli Manning
and as beautiful as the Hudson"

~ Our friend JC

As for girls names ... we eventually agreed on one.  But we'll save that story in case the next Baby Wynne is a girl!