January 4, 2012

Off to the hospital ...

After the excitement at my 37 week dr appt, I was sent home for a while because there was no room at the inn labor and delivery ward at the hospital. 

We got home about 11:30am and I called the hospital and they told me to call back around 3pm (glad this wasn't really an emergency!!).  So Ryan and I made some calls (my family was about ready to leave WNY to come in for the Christmas weekend) and finished cleaning the house.  I sent Ry to the grocery store and made myself some lunch.  I repacked the hospital bags and waited.  Finally, the hospital called about 2:15pm and said we could come in. 

It was 19 days before the due date, but, at 2:45pm on Friday, December 23rd, we left for the hospital to have Baby Wynne!!

Flowers from my amazing husband!

One last "bump" photo as we left the house!

Ryan "frantically" driving me to the hospital!

3 minutes later, we arrive at the hospital to have Baby Wynne!

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