January 27, 2012

The first visit from the "Aunts"!

I have a lot of absolutely amazing friends.  Probably too many to count.  Two of my very best friends are Kim and Anna.

I won't go on and on about how great of friends Kim, Anna and I are.  I could.  We have been friends for a very long time and have been through everything together.  We are close.  Let me put it this way -- when Kimmy asked to see my c-section scar, I said "I don't think you want to, but OK" (fyi, I did NOT show her and Anna ... that is a very, very low cut).  Like I said, we are close.

Despite being close, we aren't actually physically near each other.  None of us have actually lived in the same city for the last 8 years or so.  Anna lives in Buffalo (where we all grew up); Kim lived in Virginia, then Albany, and now Rochester; and I lived throughout PA and NJ and now near NYC.  When they had their babies over the last few years, I didn't get to meet any of them until they were at least a few weeks old!

I figured they wouldn't get to meet Eli for a few months or so.  They have their girls and new jobs and lives to deal with.  But, with Eli's early arrival, it all magically worked out that they could come to meet Eli when he was just 5 days old!  I couldn't believe our luck!  And the fact that Aunt Anna and Aunt Kimmy were so nice to make the 6-hour drive one day to see Eli and then make the 6-hour drive back home the very next day. 

On Thursday, the Aunts arrived with SO MANY gifts for Eli.  THANKS Aunt Anna & Aunt Kimmy!  One perk of all of our friends already having kids, is a bunch of awesome things to borrow and lots of valuable advice!  Eli was so excited.  Of course, I was more excited.  It was nice to have my girls with me after such a crazy birth experience!  The encouragement and tips and support were invaluable!  I am so happy and grateful that they were able to re-arrange their lives and spend a day with us!

Eli can't wait to meet his "cousins" Ally, Emma & Mckenzie soon!  And Uncle Billy and Uncle George!

Aunt Kimmy & Eli!

Aunt Anna & Eli!

Eli loves his Aunts already!!
(even though he looks a bit terrified!)

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