January 26, 2012

The little monster's first vistors!

We were so happy that everyone wanted to come visit Eli!  The first week home was a wonderful parade of visitors!

Our first morning was a bit hectic as we settled in to a schedule.  Feeding Eli, burping Eli, diapering Eli, dressing Eli, getting Eli to nap.  Oh, and getting ourselves up and showered and dressed too! 

We managed to all be dressed by 1pm when Bridget and Jonathan showed up.  Eli was in one of the few outfits that I could find that actually fit him!  His "little monster" outfit from Jenny & Vance! (Thanks Jenny!!) 

Bridget and Jonathan also seemed to like our little monster.  They have an almost-one-year-old (who they kindly left at the baby-sitter's that day) Madeline who is going to be one of Eli's very best friends someday soon! 

Snuggles for Aunt Bridget!

Hanging with Uncle JC!

Yay!  First visitors at home!

We are very grateful to JC & Bridget!  In addition to bringing over lunch and some adorable gifts for Eli that day, they have been a wonderful source of advice and support during the pregnancy and this newborn phase.  Lending us books and giving us advice and sharing their own recent experience really helped us out!  We can't thank you enough Bridget & JC! 

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