January 19, 2012

At least we had a nice view of the Hudson!

After Christmas, Eli and I were stuck in the hospital for a few days.  With my surgery happening late on a Saturday night, I was "allowed" to stay until Wednesday.  And with Eli's Christmas morning choking episode, they wanted to keep an eye on him.  He was also "early" and kept getting chilly, and he lost a bit of weight and they feared jaundice.  But I was ready to get out as soon as they would let us! 
This was my first time as a hospital patient (have I mentioned my hatred of hospitals at all?) and it was definitely an interesting experience.  I would hardly consider myself "modest" or "prude" or "shy", but being in the hospital and having a baby brings "confidence" to a whole new level.  There were constantly strangers in my room, poking and prodding and checking me!  It was like as soon as I checked in, I just had to accept that nothing would be "private" ever again.

Now, I do want to say that everyone at the hospital was great!  Our nurses in labor and delivery, the nursery and postpartum were all the sweetest ladies.  They were very helpful with everything, both for me and for Eli.  And, of course, they all loved Ryan (cougars are his prime demographic!).

But I wanted to get home.  And start being a family.  And get adjusted to life with a baby!

So, we enjoyed our time at the hospital, but starting Tuesday morning, I was on a crusade to get checked out!

Here are some photos from our time in the hospital!
Mommy & Eli!

One of Eli's few wakeful moments!

Daddy & Eli!
Eli Hudson, checking out
his view of the Hudson River!

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