November 29, 2011

If the uterus is rocking ...

I have never been pregnant before, so I am unsure how much babies move around, but let me tell you, Baby Wynne likes to dance. 

For the past 3 days, this kid has been dancing like crazy!  Which is funny, because all weekend I kept waiting for a dance party so my mother-in-law could feel the baby -- and Baby Wynne was very chill (maybe all the turkey tryptophan?).  But since Sunday, it has been non-stop dance party!  Like a 3-day rave or something!

Maybe this just happens at this time of the pregnancy (is 33-weeks the start of the dance party phase)?  Maybe because the baby is so big now and there's less room to move freely without bumping my abdomen walls or stomach or bladder? 

It doesn't hurt (though the bladder hits are fun times!), but I find it very distracting!  Mid-lecture on the nervous system today, I get a huge kick to the left side.  Then, while sitting at my desk talking to a student, a 15-minute freak-out.  It's just weird, because I am very distracted, but obviously the people around me have no idea what is going on.  I probably just have a weird look on my face as I lose my train of thought ...

Baby Wynne isn't even born yet, and I find myself thinking (and saying out loud at home) "Not now Baby Wynne, Mommy is busy!  Give her a minute to finish!".     

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