November 27, 2011

Dr appt Week 33

Another visit with the perinatalogist.  We go to this specialist to get ultrasound measurements of Baby Wynne to be sure that the Gestational Diabetes (GD) is not affecting growth (some GD babies get too big, which can cause problems). 

This is truthfully my favorite doctor to visit because we get to watch Baby Wynne on a big TV screen for 20-30 minutes while the ultrasound technician tries to get measurements of our stubborn baby (who doesn't like to turn at the correct angle for the majority of the measurements needed!). 

I was also happy that Ryan was able to make it to this appointment and enjoy the show.  The techs always love when Ryan is there to ask questions!  And Ryan kept asking for photos so this tech printed out so many for us! 

All is great with Baby Wynne!  Everything looked good and she/he is not too big yet.  The tech predicts that Baby Wynne will be a bit over 8lbs if she/he arrives full-term.  This is a bit larger than average, but totally what I expected given family history.  The doctor was happy with the measurements and with how I am managing my GD diet.  

We go back for another appointment during Week 36 (which may be the last with the specialist before Baby Wynne shows up!). 

Baby's Heartrate: 150 bpm
Baby's Estimated Weight: 5lbs 4oz (60th percentile)
Side view ultrasound of Baby Wynne's face!  Week 33

Creepy 4D ultrasound of left eye and part of right hand (and umbilical cord?)

Creepy 4D ultrasound of left eye and part of right arm

Still a bit creepy, but cutest 4D sonogram of Baby Wynne, with cute left eye and cute little nose! 

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