November 27, 2011

Baby Bump Week 32

Baby Wynne is definitely getting bigger! 
I am finding that some spaces in our small NYC apartment and my small office are now a tight squeeze for me and the baby bump!  :)

These photos were taken at the end of week 32 (life is so busy) and I had Ryan take them earlier in the day so I looked less tired (I don't want you all thinking that I always look like a zombie!)!

I have included photos in the "black dress" (getting a bit short now!) and in "normal clothes" (my new favorite shirt, picked out from the Kohl's clearance rack by my sis-in-law Kelly!).

Only 3 or 4 more baby bump photos left to take!

Week 32 Baby Bump

Week 32 Baby Bump
Week 32 Baby Bump

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