November 3, 2011

Dr appt Week 30

The only perk of being diagnosed with gestational diabetes is getting to go for a few extra ultrasounds and seeing Baby Wynne!

Today I got to see Baby Wynne for quite a while as the tech tried to get lots of measurements (she was even nice enough to tell me to close my eyes so I wouldn't see if it was a boy or girl!).  It's fun just watching Baby Wynne as she/he dances around. 

When it came to a photo, Baby Wynne wasn't really cooperating.  Apparently, he/she is head down, back out, and snuggled up tight!  (We sort of got an over-the-shoulder shot, below)

The best news is -- Baby Wynne is right on track!  Not measuring big at all yet (which is the fear with gestational diabetes and the point of the extra ultrasounds).  This is great!  And we'll keep on checking Baby Wynne to monitor growth.  Next ultrasound -- 3 weeks!

Baby's Heartrate: 150 bpm
Baby's Estimated Weight: 3lbs 9oz (60th percentile)

A very "artsy" view of Baby Wynne.
Essentially, Baby Wynne is turned away and this is the view of the back of the head, looking over the left shoulder.
Baby Wynne was just being shy today!

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