November 3, 2012

Halloween Family Portrait 2012

One family tradition that Ryan's sister started 4 years ago (when Hannah arrived) was a Halloween family photo.  Weird, I know, but I love it!  Way better than all of us dressing in matching sweaters and standing in front of a fake forest background. 

I will admit -- I was all about this year's theme -- the Wizard of Oz! 

I spent quite a few nights hot gluing and taping and pining our costumes (I have no idea how to sew!).  Ryan's costume was borrowed from my sister-in-law (Aunt Kel) and made by her dad!

Here are just couple of our favorite shots!


Becky said...

I was so confused when I just saw your nuclear family photo since it wasn't exactly the characters I would have put together but now with the larger group it makes sense. Sewing isn't so hard.. I bet you could teach yourself.

Becky said...

I'm dying to see the photos of halloweens gone by...