And on October 24th, Eli turned 10-months-old!
October 24, 2012 |
October 24, 2012 |
October 24, 2012 |
Height = 29" (around the 60th percentile)
Weight = 19 lbs 7 oz (just below the 50th percentile)
Eli's life at 10
- Eating: Eli is still eating like a champ. 4 to 6 jars (or equivalent in homemade food) or pureed food every day! He likes pretty much everything, with sweet potatoes and pears still his favorite and peas his least favorite. We started on meats this month for a little extra protein at dinner (with the hopes of a longer sleep at bedtime, but alas, meat does not equal sleep!). We are still approaching real solids with caution, as it seems our kid chokes easily. He is better at eating puffs and eats baby "cookies". He's also had the occasional piece of rice or noodle, but mainly sticks with baby food. Of course, Thanksgiving is coming soon ...
- Sleeping: A solid night's sleep alludes us all. Eli is still a champ when it comes to going to sleep. But his issue is staying asleep. He wakes up yelling for food and will yell until he is fed, then goes back to sleep. We're at a loss, and I am hoping he just grows out of it. He used to be finicky about his napping too, but lately, he's been very good about going down and sleeping for an extended period. So maybe sleeping through the night will also happen soon?
- Eating
- Sitting up
- TV
- He now really likes to watch his own shows and not just what we're watching. Though he still likes his sports!
- Being naked
- Spoons
- Walker
- Stuffed animals that are made to walk like real animals
- Real animals
- Sort of obsessed with dogs and cats and any live animals. He gets so excited he can hardly breathe. Adorable to take him to the petting zoo!
- Books & anything made of paper
- iPhones and iPads
- Adventures
- People watching and meeting new friends!
- Kids
- especially his Madeline! He just loves watching kids and interacting with them!
- Crawling through the house like a mad man!
- Still an army crawler, but he can move fast!
- Pounding really hard on the washer and dryer to make noise
- Pulling on electrical cords
- Wearing costumes
- Thank goodness as Daddy LOVES Halloween!
- Snuggling
- Bath time
- Waiting for food
- Being away from Mommy and Daddy
Especially Mommy. Still lots of whining when Mommy walks away.
(Mommy is trying to get better about giving in too often and picking him up ...)
- Sitting still to get clothes on
- Teething
New this month!
- Trying to stand up!
- Though he can't really stand on his own yet, Eli has started trying to pull himself up. Oh the trouble! Ryan caught him doing it one morning in his crib and now he'll try it with any chair or gate or person that looks sturdy. Of course, Eli always ends up falling and banging his head, so this is not fun yet for us!
- Animals
- As I mentioned in his "Likes", Eli is newly obsessed with live animals. Even after hours with his favorite dog (Jack) or months at the baby-sitter's (with 2 cats and a little dog), Eli can't get enough and harasses the poor things! Trips to the petting zoo are definitely fun! And he gets far to excited about the Betta fish that is now residing in his fish tank!
- Having a rambling conversation
- Along with Dadadadada, Eli rambles on and on and will sort of "converse" with you. His newest sounds are "et" and "bah" (probably after his visit to Grandma's where he met "Boo" the ghost). Adorable!
- Dancing and clapping to music
And here are
some of Eli's 10-month outtakes!
"Oh, Mr Seahorse, they want us
to perform again. So demanding." |
"You're right Mr Seahorse, let's give them
a good show this month!" |
"You ready for this??" |
"OK, we'll try kneeling first..." |
"Check. Me. Out." |
"How do you like them apples?" |
"YEAH!" |
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