May 15, 2012

Weekend with grandma

Eli was very excited that Grandma came to visit for Mother's Day weekend/her birthday! 

He made some gifts, baked a cake, and was generally cute the whole time.  We took Grandma to the Central Park Zoo, to NJ for a visit to IKEA, and out to some nice dinners.  He was also very good while Grandma and Mommy went to the casino and while Mommy and Daddy went out on a "date" (yay, Avengers movie and fast food!).  Eli already misses Grandma and can't wait to see her a lot this summer. 

I'll put the official "Mother's Day" photos on the next post, but here are a couple photos from the weekend ... though none with Grandma ... oops!

Making Mother's Day gifts!
Amazed by our crafty-time!

Loved the penguins!

This penguin loved Eli!
Mommy's favorite!

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