May 20, 2012

Baby Bumpers

What to do with those crib bumpers that came with the nursery bedding set?

After I posted photos of our nursery, my friend Mary Beth contacted me to let me know that currently, many groups are recommending to REMOVE the bumpers from cribs because many babies have been injured by them and they may increase the chance of SIDS.  She sent me some great info (Mary Beth works for EPIC Every Person Influences Children) and I found this article (and its links) full of good information too.  Before Mary Beth contacted me, I honestly didn't realize what a safety issue bumpers were, but I definitely removed them before Eli started sleeping in the crib (Thanks MB!). 

Then I thought to myself "What can I do with these adorable bumpers?".  I am not crafty enough to sew them into something cool.  So I just added them to the very, very bottom outside of the crib.  We live in a small apartment without much storage (for all of the diapers that I hoard when they go on sale!!), so this was a good way to hide all my stored items under the crib and add a bit more color!

Anyone else do something cool with their bumpers?

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