May 3, 2012

Eli's first Mets' game!!

I don't know who was more excited -- Eli or Daddy!
On April 21st, 2012, Eli went to his very first major league baseball game at CitiField to watch the Mets play the Pirates!  It was a sunny day, we got to see our friends (the Berry family!), and the Mets won (amazing!!!)!!!

We are very excited that Eli is a sports fan and look forward to a summer full of baseball outings!

Daddy is so excited to take Eli to
his first Mets' game!

The Wynne family cheers for the Mets!

Another of Eli's many girlfriends!
It was Meghan's first Mets' game too!

Our Mets fan friends -- The Berry Family!
(Congrats to Dr. Sean, celebrating his new PhD!)

"OMG!  I am at Citifield!"

"Go Mets!"
And a special gift from Daddy!
Eli will always remember his first game!

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