August 24, 2012

Independence Day

My independent little man celebrated his first Fourth of July in Buffalo.  We arrived late on the 3rd, just in time to celebrate the holiday with the family! 

Personally, I love the 4th of July.  Not sure why it is one of my favorite holidays.  I liked it ever since I was a kid.  We used to have everyone over to our house to swim in the pool and eat Sahlen's hot dogs and play in the yard and then walk down to Riverside Park for fireworks.  Always lots of fun!

This year, we hung out at Grandma, Uncle Steve and Aunt Kel's house.  The Gallagher Girls stopped by for a quick visit (and we ran into them again at fireworks!) and then cousin Bobby, Uncle Bob and Aunt Shannon stopped by for dinner and swimming (in the tiny, awesome Walmart pool).  We made our way down to the river when it got dark and all watched the fireworks.  I think Eli had a great time!

Eli and his Gallagher Girls

I love this one.
Kenzie is holding Eli's hand, but Eli is all about Ally.
I think Ally will be his "older woman" in the years to come!

In true Snekser fashion, lots of food!
Including and Andersons' ice cream cake!

"I love my blinking hat from
Uncle Steve!  I am also tired."

My Independent Man didn't mind
the fireworks, he just didn't want a
photo taken because he was trying
to sleep!

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