April 19, 2012

Happy Easter!

We spent a very nice Easter Sunday at home, with Nana and Pop-pop coming to visit!

Eli discovered his first Easter basket, watched baseball and ate some cereal.  Eli really loved his bunny ears, his cute outfit (thanks Nana and Pop-pop), his easter bib and toy gift card (thanks Grandma), and all his toys from his girlfriends (thanks Aunt Kimmy and Aunt Anna for the awesome toys).

A very nice holiday, indeed!

Easter basket from Nana and Pop-pop!
"Who is that chocolate bunny for? Oh, Daddy!"

Happy Easter 2012!

"I found my basket from the Easter Bunny!
He hid it right here on the couch, next to me!"

"Yum!  Easter dinner!"

Seriously loved the ears! 
He is so funny!

We also went to see the Easter Bunny at the mall with cousins Hannah and Sophia.  Obviously, not a highlight of Eli's holiday.

1 comment:

Becky said...

love love love love love the easter bunny shot. Love it.