April 26, 2012

Eli is 4 months old!

Eli celebrated 4 months of life on April 24th!

4 months old
April 24, 2012

4 months old
April 24, 2012

4 months old
April 24, 2012

(We have our 4-month  doctor's appointment next weekend -- will update then! 
Anyone want to take a guess? From my sore back, I am guessing he weighs about 15lbs and has to be at least 26"! )

Eli's life at 4 months:

  • Eating: Eli's eating hasn't changed much.  Still on an every-two-hours during the day feeding schedule, downing about 4 or 5 ounces each time. Sometimes 7 ounces.  Sometimes 2.  He is still eating about 40 ounces (or more) every day and is still on the "gentle" formula. 
    As our doctor recommended, we started him on rice cereal right around 3 months.  He is still working on the idea of food in his mouth that is not liquid, so I don't think he actually eats all that much!  He showed off his eating skills on Easter for Nana and Pop-pop, but that was his best night ever.  We don't even try with the cereal every night, so that may have something to do with his not gobbling it down successfully yet.  We average about every-other night ... sometimes we work late or he is sleepy or we're just too lazy!  Our pediatrician wants him to start fruits and veggies now that he is 4 months old, but we are holding off till next week. 
  • Sleeping:  Yes, Eli SLEEPS THROUGH THE NIGHT! Yay!! He goes down about 10pm or so and sleeps until about 6:30am!  He did this a bit after he turned 2-months, but as soon as we hit 3-months, it was pretty much every night.  Some mornings he even wakes up and just lays in bed, smiling and talking and waiting for us to come in (we have one of those video monitors, so we watch him).  I am so grateful and we hope he continues this amazing sleeping forever!
  • LIKES:
    • Eating
    • Sleeping
    • "Sitting" up
      • Still not sitting, but likes to sit on the couch or (sometimes) in his bumbo chair or just being held upright.
    • Sitting in his high chair while Mommy and Daddy eat dinner.
    • Blanket teddy/pooh/frog
      • Still his favorite toys and I never leave the house without one!
    • His IKEA changing table
      • I hope he never outgrows it!
    • Bath time
    • His Binkies
    • TV
      • Still loves TV -- especially sports (baseball, mainly), animal shows and Ellen DeGeneres!
    • Getting dressed/changed
      • I have never, ever known a baby that loves getting changed, but this kid does!  I put a onesie over his head, it gets stuck for a minute -- and he LAUGHS!  He loves getting naked and then getting a new outfit on.  Sometimes, if he is being cranky, we have a "costume change" to settle him down.  Weird baby! 
    • Waiting for food
    • Tummy time
      • doing our best to trick him into it!
    • Being away from Mommy and Daddy
      • We noticed at cousin Hannah's birthday party that he seems to get a little anxious when he realizes that one of us are not within his sight.  We blame this on the fact that he is ALWAYS with one of us and plan to get him around more people soon! 
  • New this month!
    • Sleeping consistently through the night
    • Standing in his bouncer/play thing
    • Laughing hysterically!
      • We can not hear that laugh enough! So friggin' cute!
    • "Talking"
      • Sometimes he will babble on for quite a while.  Adorable!

And here are some of Eli's 4-month outtakes!

"Oh, hello Mr. Seahorse!"

"Ho Hum, nothing going on here!"

"Take that, Mr Seahorse!"

"Haha, Seahorse down!"

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