December 18, 2011

Little hiccups

Baby Wynne's new favorite activity -- hiccups! 

At least 3 times a day (sometimes more!), I feel Baby Wynne hiccuping like crazy! 

It happens at all times of day and night and can last for a few seconds or about 5 minutes!  So far today, Baby Wynne had hiccups at 4:45am, 11am, 3pm and 4:30pm. 

Cute.  But totally weird too.

My whole belly moves ... even Ryan could see it! ... and Baby Wynne usually starts shifting around, as if trying to get comfortable. 

There's not too much scientific information out there about fetal hiccups, but no one seems to be concerned about it.  Like in adults, it is a spasm of the diaphragm.  In unborn babies, some doctors think hiccuping is one way babies practice breathing and strengthen the muscle to do so. 

I have also read that there is a correlation between hiccups in the womb and newborns that hiccup!  So we'll have to see if Baby Wynne is a hiccuping little newborn!

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