December 14, 2011

Dr appt Week 35 -- virtual edition

Another email/phone call "appointment" with my GD dietitian. 

During this 2-week span, I have noticed that my glucose levels have gone up a bit.  Not much (still below the "threshold" most of the time), but consistently higher.  I haven't changed my diet at all, so I was slightly concerned. 

Now that we're getting so much further along, I have found sleeping to be a little more difficult.  I do go to the bathroom pretty often, but I also struggle falling asleep because it's just hard to get comfortable.  Also, with the last weeks of work, I am still up at 5:30am, regardless of how little sleep I get!

This reduction in sleep apparently may be one reason why my glucose levels went up.  Sleep = good!  :)

Also, I guess it's not uncommon for insulin resistance (which is what GD is) to increase as the pregnancy goes on.  We only have a month left, so the insulin resistance may continue to increase as the baby grows and I put on another couple pounds!

The dietitian was full of assurances that this is all normal and I shouldn't worry.  She suggested a bit more walking around and more sleep!  Nap time sounds great to me!  :)

Two more (real) doctor appointments this week ... and then at least one appointment a week until Baby Wynne arrives!  We're really getting close now! 

1 comment:

BFC said...

Maddie ALWAYS had the hiccups in the womb...and she still gets them now :) I always thought it tickled!