The early morning appointment was with the perinataologist. These are my favorite! This is when we get to see Baby Wynne (of course, the whole point is to measure size, not have a photo shoot, but we enjoy the viewing much more than the measuring!). Ryan was even able to come with me!
We watched Baby Wynne for a good 20 minutes while the tech took measurements and printed out some photos for us (the best ones are below). Baby Wynne mostly slept during the ultrasound, despite being awake all morning up till that point. As usual, he/she was a bit stubborn and faced away from us (toward my back) for most of our show, but then gave us a glimpse of the face near the end.
The tech was able to get a lot of good measurements and let us guess an estimated weight. At first, I said 20lbs (because I am feeling like poor Baby Wynne is squished in there!) and then I seriously guess 7lbs -- and was right on! Based mainly on measurements of Baby Wynne's belly and head, the tech is pretty confident that she/he weighs 7lbs. This is given with a +/- 1lb differential (meaning the baby could really weigh 6lbs or 8lbs), but the tech tried to convince us that she is usually right with her estimates.
So ... more than 3 weeks of growing left and Baby Wynne weighs 7lbs!!!
Based on these measurements, if Baby Wynne doesn't come on her/his own, it is likely we will be induced before the official due date (of January 11th).
On to the second appointment of the day, this time with my regular OB. As always, it was busy and I waited for a while, then got shoved into a tiny little ultrasound room for the whole appointment. They did the typical measurements (heartrate, blood pressure, my weight, etc) and then had to do a few other tests that are standard at 36 weeks. They did an internal exam to swab for Group B Step bacteria (which will be treated with antibiotics if it comes back positive) and took some blood. The also checked Baby Wynne's position (head down!) and my cervix (good times!). The doctor also confirmed that it is unlikely they will let us go until the official due date since Baby Wynne is measuring so big right now.
I will now be going weekly to the OB to get checked right up until Baby Wynne arrives!
Mommy's Weight Gain: +2 lbs (6lbs total)
Mommy's Weight Gain: +2 lbs (6lbs total)
Cervix: Not dilate or effaced at all yet!
Baby's Heartrate: 165 bpm (in the morning) and 130bpm (in the afternoon)
Baby's Estimated Weight: 7lbs (82nd percentile)
Baby's Estimated Weight: 7lbs (82nd percentile)
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More weird 4D ultrasounds ... but Baby Wynne is just so cute! Week 36 |
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Week 36, 4D cute little face |
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A more traditional ultrasounds shot of the left side of the face and some little hands! |
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Apparently Baby Wynne has a full head of hair!! |
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