September 8, 2011

Commonly Asked Questions #1

We have recently been spreading the news about Baby Wynne to our friends and families and people at work (and random people at Babies R Us).  When we share the news, there are a few questions that are immediately asked.  I thought I would share them in a series of posts entitled "Commonly Asked Questions".

The first question asked after we say "We're having a baby!" is:

"When are you due?"

Seems like a logical and simple question. 

Answer: "January 11, 2012"

Some interesting responses:

"Oh a honeymoon baby!" or "Were you pregnant at your wedding?"
(Nope ... we were married on New Year's Eve 2010.  So unless I have the gestational period of a Blue Whale, we likely conceived AFTER the wedding... like 3.5 months after the wedding.)

"If it's born early, it'll be a tax deduction for 2011!"
(True.  Though I try not to think of my newborn as a tax deduction.)

"I hope it's not snowing when you go into labor"
(Thank you for feeding into my fear of a blizzard.  Of course, I will not be surprised when we get a giant storm ... as Baby Wynne has already survived so many natural disasters!)

Stay tuned for more Commonly Asked Questions ...

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