August 29, 2011

Baby Wynne survives multiple natural disasters!

In one week, we have experienced an earthquake and a hurricane!  Not even born yet and Baby Wynne is already experiencing this crazy world!

The earthquake was estimated as a 3.2 near us and while I felt it, I didn't even realize what it was!  I was in my car at a traffic light and felt really weird.  My first thought was that I was a horrible mother and should eat better because my blood sugar must be really low.  So, I drive the hour from work to home and stop at the grocery store.  The deli guy says "hey, how 'bout that earthquake?"  and I say "what earthquake?".  I look at facebook and realized lots of my friends felt it too!  I rush home to ask Ryan about it and he says they all felt it up north at his school.  Totally crazy!

Then, less than a week later, we get hit with Hurricane Irene.  Technically, I think it was a tropical storm when it hit Coney Island (and then us about 30 minutes later).  It rained for almost 20 hours and the wind that followed the eye of the storm was ridiculous!  But we survived with a few leaks in the roof and a few scratched on my car.  My biggest concern was really losing power and water.  Baby Wynne really needs water every few hours, so we had stocked up on bottled water.  Luckily, we remained with power and water (other nearby areas are not so luck!).

So, this unborn kid has already experienced an earthquake and a hurricane.  Let's hope Baby Wynne isn't born during a blizzard!!

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