August 29, 2011

Dr appt Week 20

Today we had our 20 week doctor's appointment.  Everything went well!

We met first with the nurse, then the PA (who actually managed to find Baby Wynne's heartbeat this time!)

We then had our 20-week ultrasound, which is also known as the anatomy scan.  The technician (and her student) took lots of measurements and looked for all the body parts to be sure Baby Wynne was growing well.  I didn't get to see the screen most of the time (as I basically just lay there), but Ryan got to see it all!  The tech pointed out many brain parts (which Ryan kept shouting out!), the skull, lips, nose, heart, diaphragm, stomach, bladder, kidneys, femurs, spine, belly size, and lots of other stuff!  The save the best for last -- the "sex parts".  BUT, we don't want to know the sex!!!!  And it seems Baby Wynne didn't want us to know either because she/he kept his/her legs closed the whole time!  I am sure the tech got a glimpse, but she didn't dawdle, despite Ryan trying to get a peek!

Baby Wynne was sleepy during the ultrasound and didn't do much but yawn and some thumb sucking.  If we have another ultrasound, I will have to try to do it later in the day when Baby Wynne is a bit more active!

And here are all the pictures for week 20!

Profile of Baby Wynne
You can see the right arm as he/she attempts to suck her/his thumb!

Another profile of Baby Wynne

Yet another profile of Baby Wynne!

A (kind of creepy) view of Baby Wynne's face!
Mommy's Weight Gain: +0.7 lbs (1.2 lbs total)
Daddy's Weight Gain: 5 lbs total
Baby's Heartrate: 137 bpm at first, then 148 bpm after being poked for a while
Baby's Estimated Weight: 15 oz. (55th percentile)

1 comment:

el Luke said...

no lie, your baby looks kind of like a dementor in that last picture. A cute dementor, though :-)