August 30, 2011

Baby Bump Week 20

I am not one to like photos of myself ... especially full profiles taken from the side .... but I (and Ryan) did want to take some "bump" photos throughout the pregnancy.  And, after much reservation, I decided to share them with the world!

So here are two. 
The first is one that I like, because I am in my "normal clothes" (still in non-maternity jeans right now, but that won't last much longer!). 
The second is Ryan's pick.  Ryan thinks I should wear the same outfit for all of the "bump" photos during the whole pregnancy.  I'm not sure how many outfits will make it the next 20 weeks, so we chose a cotton dress that should work (not that I will be wearing it in public at 8 months pregnant in December!).

Overall, I think I am looking more "pregnant" and less "chubby".  I haven't really gained weight yet, but I am definitely changing shape.  I have always had a bit of a belly, so I got away with the "pregnancy secret" for a long time, but I think it's becoming a bit more obvious now.

Week 20 Baby Bump

Week 20 Baby Bump

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