October 12, 2012

Eli is 9 months old!

I am desperately behind on my blog posts!  I guess having a baby is time consuming.  Oh, and having jobs and family and friends out of town that leads to lots of travel.  Oh, and just all the other important things that need to get done!  Someday .. I'll catch up on all of Eli's adventures!

But until then, I'll at least try to stay up to date with his monthly info!

Eli turned 9 months old on September 24th!

September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

Height = ?? Tall!Weight = ?? 
(Doc appt soon where we will get actual numbers!)

Eli's life at 9 months:

  • Eating: Seriously, this boy can eat!  For breakfast, he eats at least 4oz of fruit and grains, for lunch he eats at least 8oz of fruit and veggies and for dinner eats another 6oz or so of fruits and veggies.  If you're picturing it in jars, a typical baby food jar is 4oz, which means Eli eats at least 4 jars of food per day!  (I have made some baby food myself (which I will post about someday), which means a lot of our "at home" meals aren't out of jars ... but you get the picture!))  Eli eats!  As for "real" solid food, we are hesitant.  We started Eli on "puffs" over the last few weeks, which he definitely loves to eat!  BUT, we have had more than one occasion where he has choked on them!  To the point of us panicking and him vomiting.  He even did it with a baby-sitter once (Sorry Becky!), so we are now vigilant on giving him one at a time and watching like a hawk.  Maybe he just needs to practice more? 
  • Sleeping: Oh, sadly, sleeping has become less than wonderful for all of us.  Eli was such a good sleeper at first, but we started a downward spiral.  The "sleep training" plan that we have been following basically says "get baby to fall asleep on his own and he will sleep through the night".  Sorry, not my baby.  Our bed time routine is awesome.  After dinner, we play for a while, have a bottle, get a bath, put on pjs, have some hugs, read our bedtime story and get a binkie and blankie.  Eli rolls over and falls asleep.  Maybe once a week he "fights" it, whining for a minute and then falling asleep.  Then he wakes up at least once (usually twice) throughout the night, screaming until we feed him.  Then he'll go back to sleep.  Sigh.  I think it was the perfect storm of a cold, traveling and teething that upset his schedule and now we're just off.
  • LIKES:
    • Eating (formula and "real" food)
    • Sitting up
      • A real sitting champ! 
    • TV
      • We have learned to watch Sons of Anarchy after he goes to bed. 
    • Being naked
    • Spoons
    • Walker
    • Rolling ball toys and his go-go turtle. 
    • His Fisher Price Rumble & Learn Driver steering wheel
      • Last year's Christmas gift from Daddy!
    • Books & anything made of paper
    • iPhones and iPads
    • Adventures  
    • People watching and meeting new friends! 
    • Going to Ms. Anne's (his babysitter!)
    • Being with Dr. Becky, Colin & Megs! 
    • Kids -- especially his Madeline!
      • Loves watching kids and interacting with them


  • Waiting for food
  • Warm weather
  • Being away from Mommy and Daddy
    • Especially Mommy. Lots of whining when Mommy walks away. (Of course Mommy probably gives in too often to picking him up ...)
  • Napping
    • Still fighting the naps, though getting better!
  • Face washing after meals
  • Teething

New this month!

  • Crawling!
    • Not a full-fledged crawl, but he army-crawls better than anyone!  He can travel the length of our living room/kitchen/dining area in 30 seconds flat!  He can also go from a sitting to a crawling position and (one time!) he went from crawling to sitting.   
  • "Walking"
    • He loves walking when you hold his hands.  So wobbly and so cute. 
  • Saying "Dada"
    • Not really directed at Daddy (though sometimes it seems like it is?), but dadadadadada is one of his favorite rambles! 
And here are some of Eli's 9-month outtakes!

"Alright Mr Seahorse, I think today is
the day we break out of this joint"

"I will throw you out of the box first, and
then I'll climb out while they're

"What, Mr Seahorse?  Are you
punking out on me?  You've been
talking about escaping for months!"

"OK, I am heading out without you!"

"Oh, no! They're on to us!"

"No, Mommy, we weren't trying to
get out of this awesome green box..."

"Guess our escape will just have to wait 'til month 10!"

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