I can't believe my little boy is more than half way to one-year! Where has the time gone?
July 24, 2012 |
July 24, 2012 |
July 24, 2012 |
Height = 28.5" (90th percentile)
Weight = 17 lbs 6 oz (about 25th percentile)
(Tall and thin! Lucky boy!)
Eli's life at 7 months:
- Eating: The vast majority of calories still come from formula, about every 2-3 hours. He eats at least 5
ounces at each feed, which works out to more than 40 ounces a day. We are getting serious about having Eli eat "real" food, now trying at least breakfast everyday, and many times lunch too. We skip lunch if (1) we're out and about or (2) he seems to have a tummy ache after breakfast. Again, Eli 's stomach still seems to be the problem when it comes to food ... but his mouth likes everything. So far he eats: rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes, pears, apples (maybe allergic?), carrots (maybe allergic?), and peas. Of them all, we thinks he likes pears the best.
- Sleeping: This has been a rough month of sleep for Eli (and us). At first, we thought the traveling was throwing him off, but then we realized it was actually some teeth coming in! He had reverted back to three or four wakings at night, wanting to eat at most of them. Now that the teeth have poked through, he seems to really only get up once (around 4ish) and then will go down again until sometime between 6 and 7. With a 10pm bedtime, I think this is still pretty good. Napping has been better, but Eli still hates to miss anything if other people are around. Ryan has done well getting him on an approximate 9, 12, and 3 nap schedule. He usually sneaks a power nap in before bed too.
- Eating (formula and "real" food)
- "Sitting" up
- Pretty good at holding himself up now, but he doesn't really sit unassisted yet (we're working on it)
- TV
- Loves watching sports! Very excited about the Olympics right now!
- Getting dressed/changed or being naked
- Frozen teething toys
- Also likes chewing on a spoon when we let him!
- Exersaucer thing
- Walker
- Yes, he has an awesome old-school walker and takes quite a few steps in it (though usually backwards)
- Stacking cups
- Rolling ball toys
- Books
- The best one is from "Grandma Kathy" (Aunt Kimmy's mom) which is actually all cloth! It is awesome! He loves looking at regular books too, but he really, really wants the paper in his mouth!
- Swimming
- Gorillas
- iPhones and iPads
- Seriously obsessed. Maybe because we all spend so much time on them. Maybe because Grandma lets him play slots on her iPhone ...
- Adventures
- He loves getting in the car seat and heading out and about!
- People watching and meeting new friends!
- Waiting for food
- Warm weather
- Being away from Mommy and Daddy
- He still often looks for us when someone else is holding him. He has also recently started whining when we walk away, especially Mommy. Apparently (according to the baby books), this is the age where "separation anxiety" starts. Here's hoping we get him over this real quick.
- Napping
- Diaper rash
- We are very lucky and have hardly had to deal with diaper rash for the last 6 months, but he had a HORRIBLE diaper rash at the end of June. It was so bad that he was actually crying when we had to wipe him (crying during a diaper change never happens (unless he is waiting for food!)). It was right after he ate apples and carrots, so we think it might have been an allergy and we're waiting a while before we try those again. Luckily, it cleared up in a day and he was make to his happy self!
- New this month!
- Holding his own bottle
- Ryan is an awesome stay-at-home summer dad and trained him to hold his own bottle after about 3 days. Best. Thing. Ever.
- Screaming with joy!
- After some baseball games, he learned that people yelling doesn't always mean distress, and they can yell in joy too. He has since started screaming when he is very excited. Adorable ... most of the time!
- Hitting with joy!
- He also tends to flail his arms when he is very excited, often hitting himself or us. Again, sort of adorable ... until you get slapped across the face or get a sharp claw in the eye!
- Standing (with assistance)!
- Teeth!
- Eli's got his mandibular central incisors (bottom middle teeth)! We had suspected teething for a while and they showed up in late July!
here are some of Eli's 7-month outtakes!
"Mom, seriously, do you not see my feet sticking out?
I don't think I fit in this box anymore!" |
"Oh, Mr Seahorse, look, the paparazzi are back!" |
"Mr Seahorse, of course they are going to stalk
us after all of the fun we had when I turned
6-months-old!" |
"Mr Seahorse would prefer if you didn't take any
photos of him today." |
[insert your own caption here] |
"I told you Mr Seahorse doesn't like photos" |
"Wait! How old am I?!?!?" |
"Help me hide my age Mr Seahorse!" |
1 comment:
your outtakes are freaking hysterical!!
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