July 5, 2012

Eli is 6 months old!

Took a while to make it on the blog, but Eli just celebrated his half birthday!  Can you believe it?

6 months old
June 24, 2012

6 months old
June 24, 2012

6 months old
June 24, 2012
(No official measurements yet ... dr appt in a few weeks!)

Eli's life at 6 months:

  • Eating: Still on formula, about every 2-3 hours.  He eats at least 5 ounces at each feed, which works out to more than 40 ounces a day.  He has tried rice cereal, bananas, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal, but we still haven't been pushing the food.  We really need to, but we're on the "summer adventure" schedule which means he's totally off, so we'll get back to it soon. 
  • Sleeping: More often than not, Eli is still sleeping through the night (10pm-6am), but has been thrown off with all of our adventures, so it has been a bit shaky lately. Napping has been rough.  When we are out of the house (which has been a lot lately), Eli doesn't want to nap.  He is definitely a kid that doesn't want to miss anything!  We are hoping that will settle down soon and he'll get back to some regular naps.  For everyone's sake (my happy, calm baby is whiny without sleep!).   
  • LIKES:
    • Eating (formula and "real" food)
    • "Sitting" up
    • TV  
    • Getting dressed/changed or being naked  
    • Caterpillar or any "teething toy"
    • Floor gym 
    • Exersaucer thing (his and the awesome one that Aunt Kimmy lets us borrow in Buffalo!) 
    • Adventures
      • He loves getting in the car seat and heading out and about!
    • People watching and meeting new friends!
    • Waiting for food
    • Warm weather  
    • Being away from Mommy and Daddy
      • He still often looks for us when someone else is holding him.
    • Napping
      • This is going to be rough.  He just doesn't want to miss out on all the fun! 
  • New this month!
    • Sleeping on his side
      • When he does sleep, it is usually on his left side!  It's so adorable to watch him roll over and snuggle his blankie!
    • Almost sitting
      • He really likes the Bumbo chair
    • Swimming
      • I think Eli might be a water baby!

And here are some of Eli's 6-month outtakes!

"Mr Seahorse, we have to stop
meeting like this ..."

"What?  You want to put our differences
behind us and celebrate with shots?"

"Tequila makes me want to dance!"

"One more round for me and my
boney fish friend!"
"Oh, Mr Seahorse ... I love you!"

"Maybe shots weren't the best way to
celebrate my half birthday ..."

1 comment:

Becky said...

OMG! Those captions are crazy hysterical!!