June 28, 2012

The zoo ... with cousin Hannah!

After the exciting visit from the Gallaghers, we had a quick break (about an hour) before Ryan's family came for a visit.  We were so excited because Hannah was coming to go visit the zoo with us and then we were going to a Feis to see her Irish Dancing!

Here are the photos to tell the story!
Hannah & her Mommy!

Eli with cousin Hannah!

Hannah, the beautiful butterfly!

Eli likes his butterflies!

Hannah and her mommy on the camel ride!

So fun!

And then the moment I thought Ryan
had completely lost his mind

Taking 5-month-old Eli on the camel!

"What ... is ... going ... on?"

Daddy's having fun!

My favorite.  Looks like Eli is having fun!

My man loves his zoo!

After Daddy took him on a camel, I decided I needed
to take Eli on his first carousel ride!

"I want to eat it!"

So much fun!!

And here's Hannah doing her jig!
She even won 3rd place!!!

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