June 10, 2012

Working Mom (Summer)

While posting photos of Eli is my favorite blog activity, I thought I would dedicate a post to my (current) thoughts on being a "Working Mom".

I have mentioned before that I never really planned to take a lot time off and went back to work part-time 7 weeks after Eli was born.  The Spring semester was tough, for both Ryan and I, but we made it through with only a few minor glitches.  Overall, I think we did pretty well!  I took Eli to work twice (Thanks to awesome grad students Carlee and Katie for baby-sitting!) and Ryan took him once (Thanks to wonderful undergrad Kim for baby-sitting!).  3 schedule conflicts over 10 weeks wasn't too bad!  And we are both so lucky that we work at places where it's possible to bring in a baby and no one bats an eye ... actually ... almost everyone was overly excited to see Eli!  You really gotta love academia!

It's Summer in the land of academics now, and I am back "full-time".  Well ... not really full-time, but my full-time summer schedule, which is Monday-Thursday.  I usually work all 15 weeks of the summer, but I am taking off about 3.5 weeks this year.  It's been a nice transition back into work.  Being away so much during the Spring semester was actually very frustrating for me.  I LOVED being home most days with Eli, but my replacement emailed and called daily and there were quite a few issues when things would normally run smoothly.  By the end of the semester, as much as I would miss Eli, I was happy to be back to my job.  It's almost easier to be at work then it was to be at home worried about work. 

How is it possible that I can now be back "full-time"?  Now that it's summer, Ryan is totally off from work.  Well, not totally off, but he teaches online classes, so he is a "Stay At Home Dad" this summer.  Yes, it is true.  He is AMAZING.  I should have him blog and tell you all about his time home with Eli, but, in my opinion, he is doing a great job and I am so grateful that when I am at work, I know that Eli is at home with Daddy! 

It has been wonderful to be spending more time with my students and I even worked with some old colleagues on a manuscript recently.  I feel so satisfied being able to accomplish things at work.  I have a big workshop coming up that I am in charge of and I think it is actually all coming together nicely.  Overall, work has been going well and it feels great to be back.

Though I do really miss Eli like CRAZY while I am at work and often rush home much earlier than I used to, just to get some good snuggle time in.

While I totally get how some moms love staying home with their kids (I LOVE my days home with Eli), I actually love my career and feel accomplished because of it.  I think that's what makes the difference.  I am a happy Working Mom. 

Though check-in with me in the Fall when I am back at work completely full time and Eli's spending 20 hours a week with a baby-sitter.

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