(Though I still have SO MANY summer adventures to tell you about, I will interrupt the narrative to get in his 8-month photos before he hits 9 months!)
Eli turned 8-months-old on August 24th!
He caught his first cold, so the photos were a bit late as we waited until he felt up to socializing with Mr Seahorse.
August 26, 2012 |
August 26, 2012 |
August 26, 2012 |
Height = ?? Tall!
Weight = ?? Feels heavy to me! :)
Eli's life at 8 months:
- Eating: This month, Eli officially joined the American tradition of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Prior to this, food was mainly formula, now I bet we're at about 10oz of food a day and probably 30oz of formula. His tummy has finally gotten used to food and he is a champion eater! He eats anything we give him: rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes, pears, apples, carrots, peas, green beans, mangos, pineapple, squash, corn, blueberries, pineapples ... and probably more fruits or veggies that I am just not thinking of! Everything is pureed so far and we're in no rush to have him feed himself or eat more "solid" foods.
- Sleeping: While we still can't complain about Eli sleeping, he's not the champion we wish he'd be! He goes down very well, usually around 8 or 8:30pm. A bottle, bath, story, binkie and bed. No troubles. But then he occasionally wakes up sometime between 12 and 2am. Sometimes he wants milk, sometimes he just wants a binkie and a hug. Then he almost always wakes up at 4am because he is SO HUNGRY. He downs a 5oz bottle of formula and goes right back to sleep until about 6 or 7 (which is a perfect wake-up time). We have used Dr. Jodi Mindell's "Sleeping through the night" book (mainly because Jodi is married to my Master's advisor and also because she is brilliant and awesome!), which has definitely helped, but we've yet to perfect things!
- Eating (formula and "real" food)
- Loves all things food related! This kid will eat us out of house and home as a teenager!
- Sitting up
- Definitely sits for longer periods without falling over now!
- TV
- I suppose we'll have to let him watch cartoons soon ....
- Getting dressed/changed or being naked
- Spoons
- Walker
- Rolling ball toys
- His plastic cars, boats and trains that click together
- no idea what these are really called. An easter gift from Aunt Kimmy!
- Books
& anything made of paper
- Swimming
(or water of any sort!)
- Gorillas
- iPhones and iPads
- Adventures
- He loves getting in the car seat and heading out and about!
- People watching and meeting new friends!
- His Fruncle (Uncle Steve)
- Kids
- Loves watching kids and interacting with them
- Waiting for food
- Warm weather
- Being away from Mommy and Daddy
- Especially Mommy. Lots of whining when Mommy walks away. (Of course Mommy probably gives in too often to picking him up ...)
- Napping
- Really hates missing anything and he knows that sleep means he misses out on all things fun!
- Teething
New this month!
- Rolling like crazy!
- This kid is still too lazy to crawl, but why would he bother when he can roll every where!
- Playing peek-a-boo (in his own way)
- Yes, my special kid likes to play peek-a-boo with you! We noticed this when Grandma was in town and he has done it a bunch of times since then! He hides his eyes from you and then "jumps" out. Hysterical!
- Playing "catch" with Daddy!
- I didn't even know babies could play catch, but he throws and catches toys "on purpose" with Daddy.
- Living in "baby jail"
- With the movement, we have brought out the "cage" to keep Eli contained! This kid is gonna be trouble! :)
And here are some of Eli's 8-month
"Yes Mr Seahorse, I know I look like crap. I haven't been feeling well. No, Mr Seahorse, I was not on a 2-day bender. I have a cold." |
"Please, no photos of me." |
"I'm not exuding my usual cuteness." |
"OK, maybe just a couple photos..." |
"Woohoo Mr Seahorse, let's have fun!" |
"Whoa, it's hard to have fun with a virus!" |
"Is the room spinning? Hold on, Mr Seahorse!" |
"Let's get out of here. I need a nap!" |