January 15, 2012

A wonderful Christmas!

Christmas morning was pretty crazy, and Eli was away from us getting checked out for quite a while (because of his incident, described here).  Nana and Pop-pop Wynne had come from PA to visit with Eli, but didn't get the chance to hold him because of all of the tests.  Luckily, they did get to see him through the nursery window before they had to head back to celebrate Christmas with their other grandkids (our adorable nieces!).  

 Late in the afternoon, Grandma Snekser, Uncle Steve and Aunt Kelly came up to see Eli.  They had to wait quite a while too before Eli was available!  But we spent the time in the little atrium overlooking the Hudson River opening gifts and talking about their upcoming adventure into NYC to see the tree (yes, they braved NYC on Christmas night!).  Finally, Eli made his grand entrance!

Grandma Snekser got to hold him first and little Eli was so good! 

Aunt Kelly was next and our little Eli just kept sleeping away!  Uncle Steve wasn't brave enough to hold his 24-hour old godson, but Eli understood (little babies are pretty scary!!)!

The family left around dinner time and Ryan and I enjoyed a quiet Christmas evening in the hospital with our baby.  Eli was very good right from the start!  We were all exhausted, but incredibly happy!

That night, I sent Ryan home again and Eli and I spent the night trying to nurse and sleep.  We were very excited when Daddy showed up again in the early morning.  And I was even more excited when I was allowed to shower that day! 

The family came up again to visit on their way back to Buffalo.  I think Grandma Snekser could hold her grandson all day long! 

I could tell that he was very happy to have family visit him in the hospital.  I know that I was!  Eli may have arrived a bit earlier that we expected, but his timing to meet the family was perfect!

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