January 4, 2012

Dr appts Week 37

Obviously, Baby Wynne has arrived!

How did this happen?  It all started at my final doctor's appointment ....

Last week, I was finally done with work and Ryan and I had enjoyed one day off together!  Ryan then went with me to my now weekly doctor's appointment.

It was Friday, December 23rd and our plan was to go to the quick appointment and then do some grocery shopping, because my family was coming to visit for Christmas weekend and then Ryan's family was coming to visit!

We went to the OB, went into the office, got weighed, and got my blood pressure taken .... which is when the crazy began!

I had a high blood pressure reading, so the nurse called in the Physician's Assistance.  She basically pulled me off the examining table into a chair to test it again.  And then called in the Doctor, who got me back to the table to lie down and test my blood pressure again.  Obviously, this craze did so much to decrease my blood pressure!

Then the doctor and PA agree, I need to go across the street to hospital.  Ryan asks "Will they give her some medication?" and the PA says, "No, you're having a baby!"


Total shock. 

While I understand that high blood pressure (when I usually do not have high blood pressure) during pregnancy is a sign of preeclampsia (which is totally dangerous for mom and baby), I just couldn't comprehend what was happening!

"You're having a baby" was not at all what I expected to hear. 

And so .... they wanted to send us to the hospital ... but all the beds were full (why is this sounding more and more like a Nativity story?) ... so they sent us home for a bit ...

And that's how we found out Baby Wynne would be arriving soon!

Mommy's Weight Gain: 0 lbs (6lbs total)
Cervix: Not dilated or effaced at all!
Baby's Heartrate: Did not check!
Baby's Estimated Weight: Did not check!

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