January 19, 2012

There's no place like home

I was very excited to go home.  Now that Eli had arrived, I was ready to start our "new life"!
(And I was ready to sleep in my own bed, shower in my own shower, and eat all the Christmas cookies my family had left for us (no more GD!! Woohoo!))

And so, our birth story ends, as we finally ventured home on Tuesday!

In true, Baby Wynne fashion, the weather was horrific when we left the hospital!

As it was December 27th, you'd think we be dealing with snow ... but it was more like a hurricane!  Freezing cold rain, wind, and horrible driving conditions!  The 3-minute drive home from the hospital was a lot more nerve-racking than the drive to the hospital!

Because of the bad weather, we didn't get photos of Eli leaving the hospital or arriving at home, but here are our final hospital photos and our first inside the house!

One last look at the Hudson River
(until we got home) with Daddy!

Eli's "going home" outfit!
He truly is the best of mom & dad!!!!

First time in the car seat!
(And first time playing with the
jitterbug from Uncle Steve!)

A very sleep baby arrives home for the first time!

Oh no -- he's crying!!!
We're real parents now.
Oh. My. God.

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