November 17, 2011

Dr appts Week 31

The pregnancy has been great, so I really can't complain.  But in Week 29 I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes (GD).  I was not surprised, as I had a few risk factors (overweight, runs in my family), but still disappointed.  I feel totally fine, but it is a worry and I must now be monitored to make sure Baby Wynne is fine. 

This monitoring involves a lot of doctors and in the last week, I have been to two appointments: one with a diabetes nurse and one with a nutritionist.  Both are at a hospital about 25 minutes from my house (and over an hour from work). 

I met with the nurse first to get started testing the glucose level in my blood.  That whole finger pricking thing.  I was set-up with a food diary and I now write down everything I eat and test my glucose level an hour after every meal.  Easy stuff.  She explained it all to me ...very ... slowly.  Does she not realize she is asking a scientist to collect data??  Hello!  This is actually almost exciting for me!  :)

Basically, I need to avoid super sugary foods (cookies, ice cream, chocolate, candy, syrups, etc) and super refined carbs (think white bread and white pasta).  Seriously -- not a problem.  We don't really eat that stuff anyway.  I may be the only pregnant woman that does not crave ice cream. 

So all week I wrote everything down and only had one "high" glucose reading.  I then emailed my food diary to the dietitian to review before my appointment with her.

I show up for my appointment (after leaving work early and driving through NYC traffic for 1.5 hours) and meet with the dietitian for about 8 minutes.  She basically says "good job" and sends me on my way.  Sigh.

The good news is that all is well and I can just continue on my current diet and Baby Wynne should be OK.  No medications and hopefully no more appointments with the nurse or dietitian (we are going to communicate via email and phone!).

No new Baby Wynne statistics for you, but I do have yet another appointment tomorrow.  And then another one next week with the perinatalogist to have another ultrasound and check Baby Wynne's size. 
Seeing Baby Wynne will be a very nice Thanksgiving present for Ryan and me!

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