As I
mentioned before, Eli started food a while ago because his doctor wanted him to start cereal at 3 months and fruits and veggies at 4 months. Eli turned 4 months old just as Ryan and I were in the throes of finals week and then we went to PA for the day so Nana and Pop-pop could baby-sit Eli while we went to a wedding (
Congrats Matt & Heather!!). With all that fun, we waited for a bit to start solids other than rice cereal. We decided to go with bananas to start (because I read somewhere that was a good food to start with and we had bananas in the house!) and then a few days of sweet potatoes.
Yummy! Bananas! |
Eli seemed to really like to eat both. The bananas were just mashed fresh bananas mixed with formula. He ate them down, but on the third night, he woke up almost hourly with obvious tummy pains. This was very unlike him. He usually only wakes up at night if he is hungry and will chow down a full bottle. That night, he would wake up yelling and then want to be held and snuggled and occasionally eat, but only about an ounce or so. Not a good night.
"I love sweet potatoes!" |
We waited a few days and then tried sweet potatoes, this time out of a jar, thinking maybe the pre-made jarred food might be easier on his tummy. Again, he gobbled it down at each sitting but woke up with tummy pains again throughout the night on the second and third days.
For now, we have decided not to push the food too much. It is obvious that Eli's tummy cannot take the food even if his mouth loves it! Ryan and I made the executive decision to stick with bland cereals (maybe oatmeal this month?) for a few more weeks and then try fruits and veggies again. I even have a bunch of "homemade" baby food waiting for him in the freezer (more on that fun adventure later!).
"When can I have more of
those yummy 'tatoes?" |
Colin also had some issues like this.. I moved up his mealtime from dinner to breakfast and that seemed to help... Not sure what time of day you are feeding him so this might not be helpful info. You are right to slow down, he doesn't "need" food yet so it doesn't hurt to give him more time.
Thanks for the advice Becky. I think we will try that time of day switch! We typically do dinner, but I will have to get Ryan to switch it to morning or lunch. Sad part is, he loves to eat it but then cries later!
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